Eekels | TBI and Eneco Bio Golden Raand sign new contract
For some time now Eneco Bio Golden Raand has been working on the extension of the Steam Turbine Generator plant in Delfzijl. After successfully completing the first project phase, Eekels has also been commissioned for the second phase. On Monday 12 December 2016 the new contract between Eneco and Eekels was signed in Rotterdam (photo: left Hugo Buis, Managing Director Generation and Storage Eneco, right Hendrik de Haan, Managing Director Eekels | TBI).

With the first phase of this project Eekels has shown to be capable of satisfactorily executing multidisciplinary activities: mechanical and civil engineering, as well as electrotechnical and instrumentation activities have been successfully completed. With respect to safety as well, phase 1 has been very successful. Not a single LTI incident has been reported.