Eekels | TBI, in collaboration with Siemens, organises the Eekels Technology Day – Siemens PA update
On Thursday 4 October 2018, Eekels, in collaboration with Siemens, organises the Eekels Technology Day – Siemens PA Update. Under the guidance of Mario Willaert, Siemens product manager PA, themes such as the Update PCS7 version 9 and the new DSC system will be discussed.
Some of the questions to be addressed are: how to optimize assets in the coming years?; how to reduce future operational costs?; and how to prevent re-inventing the wheel when expanding? The Siemens Demonstration Truck offers the opportunity to learn about the new PA products.

The meeting takes place at Eekels in Kolham. The programme is as follows:
1.30 p.m. Walk-in & reception
1.50 p.m. Welcome
2.00 p.m. Siemens PA update – Siemens PA Demo Truck will be present
5.00 p.m. Closure and nibbles & drinks

If you are interested, please register by emailing Theo Wijma at specifying: present at Siemens PA update. Upon receipt of the email, your participation will be confirmed. The address is A. Plesmanlaan 2, 9615 TH Kolham. We look forward to welcoming you on Thursday 4 October 2018.