Eekels | TBI delivers panels TT Circuit Assen
Eekels | TBI has delivered a special project this June. In 2017 Eekels was commissioned by Van Gelder Kabel-, Leiding-, en Montagewerken B.V. for the delivery and assembly of:
- 69 stainless-steel outdoor units, and
- 66 units of various (standard) distribution and junction boxes
The Eekels cabinets were placed around the whole circuit to ensure power distribution and data connections. The stainless-steel cabinet is extra special because this has been designed and manufactured in-house.

The commission was part of a complete circuit metamorphosis. This “Off the Starting Blocks to 2021” project has now launched and comprises, among other things, the renewal of the Haarbocht, Winterdijk and Stekkenwalt stands. In addition, amusement plazas are being built, gravel (sand) roads behind the ramps are asphalted, facilities for disabled persons are improved and a network is created to enable swipe payment at the cafes and restaurants.
Especially for the latter the complete infrastructure around the circuit was refurbished. The energy supply has been increased, partly fed with energy from a solar panel field of 21,669 panels, and a fiber optic loop system has been laid out.