Eekels Technology winner of TBI Innovation Award 2019
This year, Eekels won the TBI Innovation Award in the “Ideas” category. This award is presented every year to encourage capacity for innovation in the group, to support ideas that help to create a sustainable living environment, and to give employees who have innovative ideas the boost they need to implement them. The theme for this year’s “Ideas” category was “the energy transition”. Good ideas that help the fight against climate change.
Eekels was one of the nominees out of almost 30 entries. The winners were selected by an independent jury chaired by Fries Heinis, Managing Director of Bouwend Nederland. Eekels received the award for its system “local hydrogen plant”. This system is used to supply residential areas, holiday parks and industrial areas with heat and electricity from a local hydrogen plant. In the hydrogen plant, excess electricity is also stored in hydrogen, in order to significantly reduce pressure on the grid. This concept is a step towards achieving a sustainable energy supply. Together with our partners inside and outside TBI, we are working hard to realize this concept.
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