Business Principles
Eekels works according to the following three business principles:
Customer-oriented thinking and doing
Eekels’ policy is characterised by an explicit customer-focused way of thinking and doing. The aim is to establish long-term relationships with our customers. To achieve this, high-quality market-oriented service and an optimum price/performance ratio are essential.
We have visualized this principle in our organogram by placing the customer at the top. The six Business Units and the Cost Center supply to their own services and market and provide the required services, systems and products in a way that is as safe, sustainable and economical as possible. Staff services and the board of directors support, steer and check this process.

Continuous Improvement
Eekels aims to deliver products and services that fulfil the demands and expectations of its customers, the legal requirements and the societal standards. Eekels takes an integrated approach taking into account all aspects of our activities, such as quality, safety and sustainability.
Within this system, Eekels strives for optimal management and continuous improvement of all its business processes. On the basis of the experience gained from the existing knowledge, materials and procedures, improvement initiatives are initiated and implemented where relevant. Our employees, our customers and our suppliers all play a part in this. This principle is visualized in the schedule below.

Sustainable entrepreneurship
Eekels Technology B.V. respects the rules established by society and recognizes its responsibility in the field of sustainable entrepreneurship. When taking decisions, Eekels sees it as its duty to take into account not only business matters but also sustainability aspects. The right balance between People, Planet and Profit (3xP) will ensure the result. We not only agree with sustainability, we implement it.
As a TBI company Eekels wants to make the positive difference in implementing its projects. This entails the following:
- We aim for sustainable safety for everyone, for our own employees and for third parties.
- Within the chain, we want to work on sustainable collaborations.
- We want to stimulate CO2 emission reduction. Not only through reduction of CO2 emissions in our own activities, but also through offering smart solutions for the reduction of CO2 emission by our customers.
- We aim to excel in developing and implementing innovative technologies and processes.
Eekels Technology B.V., together with other TBI companies, is proud of its active social responsibility.